In the role of Manny Calavera for an unforgettable adventure in one of the most successful games of Lucasarts ever. Now also on smartphones.
At 17 years after its release Grim Fandango is once again talking about himself. After reaching PS4 and PS Vita last year, the graphic adventure created by Tim Schafer is also available on smartphones and tablets based on iOS and Android. Manny Calavera arrives then on smaller display device’s ultra-portable, bringing one of the most valuable gaming experiences of all time in the most mass-market mobile.
It is released in 1998 and features a plot on generis not second to that of the first two Monkey Insland, Day of the Tentacle, and Full Throttle. The games that we mentioned all belong to different parts of the mind of the same Schafer, who leaves us with Grim Fandango a story to the limits of absurdity. Calavera is an agent of the Department of Death, who collects the souls of the living world and offer them the best package trip to the afterlife.
But Grim Fandango is also important for some technical characteristics: it is the first graphic adventure of LucasArts being designed in three dimensions, which was abandoned in the classic point and click style that characterized the creations of the oldest software house.
Remastered version landed on Android and iOS devices is further enriched with textures in high definition, a soundtrack recorded by an orchestra from scratch real and a dynamic lighting system.
Grim Fandango on the two mobile platforms will certainly not be a killer application that will skyrocket sales give you the chance to relive the nostalgic one of the finest experiences in gaming history, and newcomers do enjoy the taste of the best productions of the 90s. Grim Fandango Remastered is available on the App Store and on Google Play at a price of $9.99 and $9.88 respectively.